Physical activity students of the medical and non-medical degree courses
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Państwowa Medyczna Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Opolu, Zakład Pielęgniarskiej Opieki Specjalistycznej, Instytut Pielęgniarstwa, dyrektor instytutu – mgr M. Wojtal
NZOZ „AW-Med” Opole, dyrektor – lek. med. A. Wojtyłko
Corresponding author
Lucyna Sochocka   

Instytut Pielęgniarstwa PMWSZ w Opolu ul. Katowicka 68, 45-060 Opole
Med Srod. 2013;16(2):53-58
Recognition of the multiple positive effects of the physical activity confirms its influence on human’s health. Undertaking of the health oriented conducts plays an important role in the promotion of the health and in the creating of the healthier future. Academic youth should be aware of the influence of certain activities on health. The aim of the research was to analyse the physical activity performed by the full-time students of the medical and nonmedical degree courses.

Material and Methods:
The research was conducted at the turn of 2012 and 2013. The research group, containing 553 person (n4553), consisted of the students from six Polish, both medical and non-medical, university colleges. The research utilizes the method of the diagnostic survey. Technique of the research based on the poll whose questionnaire had been created by the authors for the purpose of the research. Accuracy of the research tool was established within the method of objective judges, splithalf method was used to determine reliability (according to Spearman-Brown result 0.86). In order to define the existence of the differences or correlations between analysed immeasurable parameters chi-squared and Fisher’s exact tests were used.

The substantial majority of the respondents –79,5% (n4439) described themselves as physically active. The forms of activity that are performed most often among the students are: cycling – 40,5% (n4220), team sport – 27,1% (n4147), dog walking – 27,1% (n4147), group activities (aerobics, zumba, salsa) – 21,2% (n4115) and swimming – 20,8% (n4113). The sex and the faculty of the studies are both important variables that have got statistically significant impact on the choice of the form of activity. Majority of the respondents – 78,3% (n4432) chooses the type of the physical activity basing on their likings and the amount of the spare time – 42,9% (n4237). Exercising of the physical activity is regarded as a pleasure by more than a half of the respondents, 40,4% of the respondents (n4222) treat it as a form of spending their free time. 20,2% (n4111) deals with stress and relaxes when performing physical activity. More than a half of the respondents – 57% (n4315) admits to not performing physical activity regularly. According to 56,8% (n4314) of interviewees lack of the spare time is the major obstacle in performing regular physical activity. Other groups blame lack of the motivation – 24,2% (n4134) and ordinary laziness – 22,2% (n4123) for that. Concern about the good frame of mind and physical disposition tends to be the crucial motive for performing physical activity for most of the respondents – 51,1% (n4277).

More than a half of the respondents doesn’t perform physical activity regularly.
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