Analysis of the body composition in the aspect of a lifestyle of women from the region of Legnica
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Instytut Turystyki i Rekreacji, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im Witelona, ul. Sejmowa 5A, 59-220 Legnica
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu, Al. Paderewskiego 35, 51-612 Wrocław
Corresponding author
Grażyna Sondel   

Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im Witelona ul. Sejmowa 5A 59-220 Legnica
Med Srod. 2010;13(2):41-46
At present women’s employment is a common phenomenon, in Poland about 47% of women are professionally active. The level of health protection of women must take into account their morphological and physiological pattern, which cause that their sensitivity to factors occurring in the environment, their abilities and capacities to overcome burdens is different from men’s. A larger amount of fat tissue causes that women are more sensitive to substances which are fat-soluble and accumulate in fat, whereas their relatively smaller amount of muscle mass is connected with a worse tolerance of thermal stress. The differences in the body composition of men and women may also be the cause for the occurrence of injuries and ailments of the women’s motion system The objective of the conducted studies was to establish whether the higher level of physical activity of women constituted a sufficient stimulus for the occurrence of changes in the somatic measurements? And whether the acquired knowledge influences the behavioural component of the pro-healthy lifestyle? 56 professionally active women aged between 20–60 with various levels of physical activity were subjected to the study. The analysis of the body composition was done using BIA method to calculate the content of the fatty tissue and the life-style survey evaluating the level of knowledge, attitude and behavioral component was conducted using the Pro-Zet scale.
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