Introduction and objective:
Secondary prevention of noncommunicable chronic diseases is a key element for the proper quality of life, especially at senior age. The aim of the study was assessment of the degree of observance of nutritional recommendations by seniors, estimation of the level of their knowledge concerning nutrition, as well as recognition of self-assessment of the state of health and analysis of consumption of dietary supplements.

Material and methods:
The study was addressed to persons aged over 60 who were members of senior clubs, and was conducted using an author-constructed questionnaire and the Dietary Habits and Nutrition Beliefs Questionnaire (KomPAN).

According to the presented study more than 60% of respondents declared consumption of dietary supplements. More than 40% of the seniors who declared the use of dietary supplements were unable to express an opinion whether using dietary supplements may be beneficial for health.

The respondents presented an above-average level of knowledge in the field of a healthy life style, and their eating habits were mostly consistent with the recommendations by the National Food and Nutrition Institute. More than a half of the seniors declared the consumption of dietary supplements; however, an equally high percentage of them were unable to specify, whether the use of these supplements may be beneficial for health. Dynamic progress in knowledge about the principles of healthy eating and the related increase in the popularity of the use of dietary supplements, constitutes a challenge for the organization of senior policy, which should meet the educational needs of older people. Due to wide availability and targeted group of recipients senior clubs seem to be the proper place for the implementation of an effective process of nutrition education.
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