Prevalence and risk factors for the cardiovascular diseases in the population of municipal bus drivers
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Zakład Zdrowia Środowiskowego i Epidemiologii Instytutu Medycyny Pracy i Zdrowia Środowiskowego Kierownik Zakładu: dr hab. n. med. R. Złotkowska, Dyrektor Instytutu: dr n. med. P.Z. Brewczyński * współautor w latach 2007–2011 był adiunktem Zakładu Zdrowia Środowiskowego i Epidemiologii
Corresponding author
Renata Złotkowska   

Instytut Medycyny Pracy i Zdrowia Środowiskowego, Zakład Zdrowia Środowiskowego i Epidemiologii, 41-200 Sosnowiec, ul. Kościelna 13 Tel. 32 6341258
Med Srod. 2011;14(3):49-53
The aim of the study was to asses the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in the municipal bus drivers and to elaborate the individual recommendations for prevention from the risk factors like overweight and obesity, dyslipidaemia and hypertension.

Material and Methods:
The project was conducted in the Municipal Transport Enterprise in Sosnowiec in the two bus depots: Sosnowiec and Dąbrowa Górnicza. Municipal bus drivers participating in the project filled in the short questionnaire containing questions on the occurrence of circulatory symptoms and diseases and presence of their risk factors, information on smoking habit, methods to overcome the stress, knowledge on the risk factors for diseases of the circulatory system and family history towards cardiovascular diseases. The measurements of the body weight and height and blood pressure after at least 10 minutes of rest were performed. Participation in the project included also taking a blood specimen for laboratory assessments of glucose, total cholesterol and its fractions (HDL and LDL) and triglyceride levels. After the completing of the project each participant received individual information on results of the medical and laboratory examinations with physician’s comments and recommendations.

Study population included 113 male municipal transport bus drivers. Mean age in the examined group was 46,159,2 years, mean work record 17,259,9 years. As the known risk factors for circulatory diseases obesity – in 37 (32,7%), stress – in 35 (31,2%), smoking in 33 (29,2%), excessive alcohol consumption in 17 (15,0%), and insufficient physical activity in 15 (13,3%) study participants were given. The most frequent diseases reported in the questionnaire were arterial hypertension in 33 (29,2%) and disturbances in blood lipid levels in 14 (12,4%). The prevalence of smoking habit was high – only 20,5% responded they have never been smoking in the past. The prevalence of symptoms potentially related to stress was high 45,1% of drivers got irritable easily, 31,0% complained of insufficient amount of rest after work and sleep and 24,7% easily came into conflicts with the others. The prevalence of elevated total cholesterol levels was 66,4%, LDL fraction – 46,9%, triglycerides – 43,4% and hiperglicaemia – 24,8%. Analysis of BMI revealed that only in 21 (18,6%) drivers the values remained on normal levels, while in 56 (49,6%) overweight and in 36 (31,9%) obesity were observed. The percentage of the drivers with hypertension was also high – 48,7%.

The results of the study justify the need for projects aiming at prevention and health promotion of circulatory system diseases in the municipal transport drivers.
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