Oral Tobacco-Free Nicotine Pouches: a promising alternative or growing threat? – literature review
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Dolnośląski Szpital Specjalistyczny im. T. Marciniaka – Centrum Medycyny Ratunkowej, Wrocław, Polska
Miejskie Centrum Medyczne im. dr Karola Jonschera, Łódź, Polska
Wielospecjalistyczny Szpital Wojewódzki w Gorzowie Wlkp. Sp. z o.o., Polska
Uniwersytecki Szpital Kliniczny im. Jana Mikulicza-Radeckiego we Wrocławiu, Polska
4 Wojskowy Szpital Kliniczny z Polikliniką SP ZOZ, Wrocław, Polska
Dolnośląskie Centrum Onkologii Pulmonologii i Hematologii, Wrocław, Polska
Corresponding author
Nicola Joanna Stencel   

Dolnośląski Szpital Specjalistyczny im. T. Marciniaka- Centrum Medycyny Ratunkowej, Wrocław, gen. Augusta Emila Fieldorfa 2, 54-049, Wrocław, Polska
Med Srod. 2024;27(2):51-59
Introduction and objective:
Nicotine addiction is an environmental risk factor for many diseases. The adverse health effects of smoking have led to the development of a strategy encouraging smokers to use less harmful sources of nicotine. Oral tobacco-free nicotine pouches (TFNPs) represent the latest innovation on the market, gaining increasing popularity. Easy availability of pouches may bring benefits to public health and negative consequences, particularly among young people. The aim of this study is to present the issue of TFNPs, with particular emphasis on the increasing prevalence of these products, potential benefits for smokers, and possible health effects of their use, especially among young individuals.

Abbreviated description of the state of knowledge:
TFNPs have the form of pouches filled with non-tobacco powder containing nicotine and additives. They are applied between the gum and upper lip, where released nicotine is absorbed through the oral mucosa into the bloodstream. There has been a significant increase in their sales from 2016–2020, indicating an increasing interest in these products. It is projected that the TFNPs market value will reach approximately 33 billion dollars by 2026. Among their side effects, local reactions including periodontal and oral cavity diseases are distinguished, and the occurrence of risks of other organ disorders resulting from the systemic effect of nicotine has been noted.

Monitoring the frequency of TFNPs usage and its associated health issues is crucial for assessing their impact on public health. While they may assist smokers in quitting, they also bring a risk of increasing the number of nicotineproduct consumers. Limited knowledge about their health effects raises concerns, highlighting the need for regulations governing their distribution on the market.
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