An endemic areas with a long-time biggest and smallest mortality rates for the lung cancer on the Silesia viovodeship territory
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Zakład Epidemiologii i Śląski Rejestr Nowotworów Kierownik: dr hab. n. med. A. Tukiendorf
Zakład Radioterapii, Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. L. Miszczyk Centrum Onkologii-Instytut im. M. Skłodowskiej
Corresponding author
Brunon Zemła   

Zakład Epidemiologiii Śląski Rejestr Nowotworów Centrum OnkologiiIn stytut im. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie, Oddział w Gliwicach Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Med Srod. 2013;16(2):31-37
The registration of deaths by causes (here: a lung cancer, C33–C34, by ISCD&HRP, X revision) in Silesia voivodeship (and in general for Poland) can be characterised by a high degree of completeness giving objective and reliable evaluations on mortality. Everywhere however the distribution of cancer mortality rates is very unequal (by the population groups, administrative units, etc.), what conducting go on to looking for risk areas (endemic areas with a long-lasting occurrence of the biggest and/or smallest mortality rates). It is a base of more rationally fight with cancers.

Material and Methods:
A lung cancer deaths data for Silesia voivodeship has been obtained from the G.U.S. (Main Statistical Office). A special “death certificate” guarantees to produce an objective picture of macro-, and micropopulation cancer mortality. Basing on the neoplasms and demographic data (from G.U.S. as well), the following mortality rates were calculated to be average for 11-year period (1999–2009) and two externally periods: 1999–2002 and 2006–2009: a) age-specific rates (for 5-year age groups, i.e. 0–4, 5–9, etc., up to the age of 85+), b) crude rates per 100 thousands and c) age-adjusted rates with the use of direct method by M. Spiegelman’s, with the use of the age structure of “world population” (by R. Doll’s). To evaluate of the statistically significant between standardized mortality rates (coun-ties : whole voivodeship) were used O.S. Miettinen’s and P. Katz’s procedures.

In 1999– 2009 (i.e. during 11-years), within Silesia voivodeship, 21826 (i.e. 77.3%) men died because of the lung cancer and 6397 (i.e. 22.7%) women; it is combined for both sexes – 28223 cases of death were registered. Age-adjusted mortality rate for males is 61.9/100 thousands and was distinctly bigger then among females – 13.7/100 thousands. However, in comparison two extreme periods (i.e. 1999– 2002 : 2006–2009), age-adjusted mortality rates because of the lung cancer in men decreased about 11.7%, and of death cases caused by the lung cancer among men is concentrated in central and eastern part of Silesia voivodeship, urbanized and industrial. Similarly as for women (tab. II). The lung cancer in the borders (mainly for villages) of Silesia voivodeship is rarely diagnosed, as the result smaller mortality.

1. There is a partly chorologic correlation between endemic areas with a long-time the biggest and smallest lung cancer mortality, taking into account males and females population within Silesia voivodeship. 2. To highest risk endemic areas of the deaths for lung cancer is need putting into the public life more “aggressive” activities, especially concerning the primary preventive (for example in the overcoming nicotinizm).
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