Factors determining parents’ decision to follow their children’s recommended vaccination schedule – preliminary study
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Clinical Nursing Department, Nursing and Obstetrics Institute, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland.
Non-public Health Care Institution in Cracow, Poland
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Grażyna Cepuch   

Clinical Nursing Department, Nursing and Obstetrics Institute, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland.
Med Srod. 2015;18(3):33-39
Recommended vaccination plays an important role in reducing the risk of complications, which may accompany many dangerous diseases. However, they also generate numerous ambivalent emotions among parents. The aim of the study was to evaluate the factors which might influence parents’ decision to have their children given the recommended vaccines.

Material and Methods:
100 parents of children aged between 0 and 5 took part in the study. The survey was carried out by means of a diagnostic poll with the application of a self-designed research questionnaire.

Parents’ level of education and knowledge has a significant influence on positive decisions concerning recommended vaccination of their children. The advocacy of anti-vaccination movements does not entail the decision about not having their children vaccinated.

Promotional campaigns should be launched in the media, in which solid information should be provided by doctors and nurses. Popularizing free vaccination campaigns among parents will increase the number of vaccinated children.
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