Influence of seasonal activity of cloven-hoofed game on the number of collisions with cars in Košice region, Slovakia
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Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie, Košice, Slovak Republic
Corresponding author
Daniela Takáčová
Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach, Komenského 73, 04181, Košice, Slovak Republic
Med Srod. 2021;24(1-4):11-17
The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence of car accidents with cloven-hoofed game over a 5-year period in the Košice region. The highest number of accidents occurred on 1st class roads (11.18%), which are the shortest and most frequently occurring roads in Slovakia. There were a total of 4.1 animals/km found on such roads within the Košice region. Accidents occurred most frequently during April, October and November; with roe deer being the most commonly affected (62.12%). The roadkill numbers for red deer (21.59%) and wild boar (16.29%) were highest during October and November. These road traffic accidents were mostly related to the migration of game, especially during the rutting season. The time of the collision for each game species was also recorded. It was found that the majority of collisions involving roe deer occurred between 05.00–06.00 and 18.00–21.00, the collisions with red deer occurred most commonly between 21.00–22.00,and collisions involving wild boars occurred between 20–23.00. Over the 24-hour period studied (day, night, dusk and dawn), it was found that from the traffic collisions during the day, roe deer constituted the highest number of roadkill (28.35%). However, during the night, incidents involving wild boar were most frequent (84.88%). The number of car accidents involving cloven-hoofed game was the least frequent during dusk (6.25%), followed by dawn (11.37%) over the 24-hour period.
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