Introduction: The aim of the study was to determine the influence of secondary dust and car emission on the intoxication of adenoids.
Material and Methods: The amount of Pb, Be, Ba, Ca, Mg and Sr in pharyngeal tonsils of children living in Tychy (n 76) as well as the amount of the selected elements in suspended dust was determined by the ICP – AES method. The biological material had previously been subjected to mineralization using of nitric acid (V) spectrally pure Merck.
Results: Secondary emission as a potential additional source of trace elements in tonsils is described by secondary emission coefficient and by the additional weight of the metal present in general air pollution.
Conclusions: The degree of accumulation of analyzed elements in theadenoid tissue mostly depends on the content of these elements in soluble form in suspended dust in the ground layer of air, as a result of secondary and car emissions.
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