Homo sustinens and homo ecologicus models in contemporary concept of public health
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Instytut Medycyny Wsi im. Witolda Chodźki, Lublin, Polska
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Monika Kaczoruk   

Instytut Medycyny Wsi im. Witolda Chodźki, Lublin, Polska
Med Srod. 2019;22(3-4):33-38
Man is the causative agent that determines the condition of the natural environment, as well as the health situation. Human activity contributes to multi-faceted transformations of the natural environment, sometimes leading to a conflict between humans and the environment. Effective impact on health requires not only increasing the level of health knowledge of individuals and shaping their life skills for health, but also undertaking actions friendly to the external environment, which significantly determines the state of human health. The World Health Organization emphasizes that the external environment should be one of the main determinants of health. It is estimated to be responsible for around 12–18% of all deaths in the WHO European Region. The new approach to public health, known as the Ecological Public Health model, should play an important role. An important aspect of ecological public health is also the issue of developing the ecological awareness of society. Environmental protection is synonymous with health care. The main goal of the study was to learn about the contemporary political strategy in the field of health and the environment, and to determine, based on the results of research by other authors, whether in the civilization-developed society of the 21st century we can see the human model of homo sustinens and ecologicus. In order to effectively implement international strategies in the field of health and the environment, the necessary action of specialists in the field of public health is the promotion of knowledge and the development of pro-health and pro-ecological skills at the same time.
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