Narzędzie pomocne dla lekarza rodzinnego, pielęgniarki środowiskowej i pracownika socjalnego w oszacowaniu uwarunkowań stanu zdrowia i leczeniu pacjentów odwiedzanych w ich domach
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Institute of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health in Sosnowiec, Poland Director: Piotr Z. Brewczyński, M.D. Ph.D.
Institute of Nursing, The School of Higher Vocational Education in Nysa, Poland Director: Ewa Maria Ziółko, M.D. Ph.D., associate professor
Corresponding author
Andrzej Brodziak   

Instytut Medycyny Pracy i Zdrowia Środowiskowego 41-200 Sosnowiec, ul. Kościelna 13, Poland tel. (48 32) 266 08 85
Med Srod. 2012;15(3):21-34
The necessity is emphasized to distinguish between the traditional model of data acquisition reported by a patient in doctor’s office and the more valuable and desired model to become acquainted with the core of the problem by going to a patient’s domicile. In the desired model it is possible to come across various determinants of health during home visits. Family members can be approached and there is a possibility to evaluate the relationships between the patient and his loved ones. One can visually assess one’s living conditions and predictable environmental hazard. For several years, the desired model has been put into practice by general practitioners and home health care nurses. Recently this model is also promoted by “health care therapists” who are members of “teams of home health care”. The authors, being convinced of the merits of “home and environmental model” of practical medicine, have developed a method of recording and illustrating data collected during visits in patient’s home. The elaborated tool helps to communicate and exchange information among general practitioners, home health care nurses, social workers of primary health care centers and specialists. The method improves the formulation of the plan of further therapeutic steps and remedial interventions in psycho-social relations and living conditions of patients.
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