Assessment of life quality in patients with bronchial asthma residing in Krakow in the areas of varying concentrations of particulate matter (PM10)
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Uniwersytet Jagielloński Collegium Medicum, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego, Zakład Zdrowia i Środowiska Kierownik Zakładu Zdrowia i Środowiska: Prof. dr hab. G. Jasieńska Dyrektor Instytutu Zdrowia Publicznego: Prof. dr hab. C. Włodarczyk
Corresponding author
Monika Ścibor   

UJCM WNoZ Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego Zakład Zdrowia i Środowiska Kraków 31-531, ul. Grzegórzecka 20
Med Srod. 2015;18(1):45-53
Asthma is a chronic disease, from which more and more people in the world suffer. It is connected with many bothersome symptoms and limitations, which result in decreased quality of life for the patient. Environmental and individual aspects do not necessarily affect individuals in the same way, so it is necessary to determine which factors have predominantly impacted on an individual, in order to minimize their impact and to take better control over treatment of asthma. The aim of this research was to compare the quality of life among patients with bronchial asthma living in Krakow in the areas where they get exposed to varying concentrations of particulate matter (PM10).

Material and Methods:
The study included 98 adults diagnosed with bronchial asthma.The research was conducted using the AQLQ poll. PM10 concentration was measured in several Malopolska Air Pollution Monitoring Stations located throughout the city.

Analyzing the quality of life in the view of symptoms, activity limitations and emotional well being, there was a substantial statistical difference observed in people occupying the areas with different PM10 concentrations. No significant statistical difference was observed in the frequency of asthma symptoms caused by the environmental stimuli between the 2 discussed groups. One group of patients who came to the allergy clinic for control of asthma symptoms and the second group who live in the vicinity of the monitoring stations measuring PM10 concentrations.

For many of the cases, the quality of life was not worse for patients with asthma living in an area with slightly elevated concentrations of PM10, and sometimes paradoxically the quality of life was improved. These results show that PM10 concentrations do not correlate with quality of life of asthma patients.
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