Assessment of microbiological quality of water in the Nowohucki Reservoir with particular regard to microorganisms potentially dangerous to humans
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Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agriculture in Kraków, Poland. Head of the Department of Microbiology: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. M.J. Chmiel
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Katarzyna Wolny-Koładka   

Department of Microbiology University of Agriculture in Kraków Mickiewicza ave 24/28, 30-059 Kraków, Poland phone no.: +48126624095
Med Srod. 2016;19(4):19-26
This study was aimed to assess the microbiological quality of water in the Nowohucki Reservoir (Kraków, Poland) as well as to determine whether its waters contain microorganisms potentially dangerous from an epidemiological point of view.

Material and Methods:
Microbiological analyses included the determination of the number of mesophilic and psychrophilic bacteria, coliforms, fecal E. coli, as well as E. faecalis, C. perfringens, Staphylococcus spp. and Salmonella spp.. Water samples were collected 4 times per year on April 27th 2015 (spring), July 10th 2015 (summer), October 12th 2015 (autumn) and December 29th 2015 (winter) at 5 points within the area of the reservoir. Water and air temperature was measured onsite.

It was found that the prevalence of the analyzed microorganisms was affected by changing water and air temperature as well as by using this reservoir during holiday season for swimming purposes by local residents. All analyzed microbiological indicators of poor water quality were found in the analyzed water samples, which may pose a potential health risk to people swimming in the considered reservoir.

From an epidemiological point of view, it is reasonable to include the Nowohucki Reservoir into a constant sanitary monitoring programme.
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