Waste from rearing and slaughter of poultry – treat to the environment or feedstock for energy
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Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska. Dyrektor prof. dr hab. inż. A. Jędrczak
Zakład Technologii Wody, Ścieków i Odpadów. Kierownik dr inż. S. Myszograj
Praktyka stomatologiczna, Sulechów
Corresponding author
Sylwia Myszograj
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska
ul. Z. Szafrana 15
65-246 Zielona Góra
tel. 68 328 25 74, fax. 68 324 72 90
Med Srod. 2012;15(3)
Consumption of poultry has systematically grown for over 10 years. In 2007, Poland, with the participation of 11% dealt third place in Europe in the production of poultry meat with the input of 11% has taken the third place in Europe after France and the UK (about 14%). Intensification of poultry production on one hand provides to higher profitability, on the other hand generates more and more waste products, such as manure, slaughter wastes, dead birds, and the emission of gases (e.g. ammonia) into the environment. Management of waste in breeding and slaughter plants of poultry rarely complies with current regulations. This is connected with high costs of waste disposal hazardous to the environment, harmful and dangerous to human health. because of chemical composition and potential health risks. The article, based on literature data and our own research, characterizes the waste from rearing and slaughter of poultry and define the possible ways to negative impact on human health: directly by microbial infections or indirectly by emissions of ammonia to the atmosphere, the migration of pollutants into groundwater and surface water. Options of waste utilization in methane fermentation process have been presented. This technology reduces the risk of environmental hazard , while allowing for recovery renewable energy of biogas from biowaste. Waste from the turkey farm and slaughterhouse (the size of slaughterhouse about 26,000 units per week) were of mesophilic anaerobic digestion. Nine types of waste: turkey manure on straw, fresh straw used for bedding, heads, guts, feet and feathers were chosen. Flotation sediment, sewage from the slaughtering and chemical sludge was also fermented. High potential for methane from slaughterhouse waste (ca. 73%) and manure (63%), indicate for simultaneous disposal and energy recovery from methane fermentation process.
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