Opinions of selected social groups about senility
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Samodzielna Pracownia Propedeutyki Pielęgniarstwa Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Szczecinie Kierownik: dr n. med. E. Grochus
Studenckie Koło Naukowe przy Samodzielnej Pracowni Propedeutyki Pielęgniarstwa Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Szczecinie
Corresponding author
Anna Jurczak   

Samodzielna Pracownia Propedeutyki Pielęgniarstwa PUM 71-210 Szczecin, ul. Żołnierska 48 tel. 91 480 09 10
Med Srod. 2012;15(2)
Introduction: The life situation and problems of elderly people are becoming the subject of studies and theoretical considerations of psychologists, sociologists, teachers, politicians and economists. Unfortunately, senility is quite often equated with infirmity, diseases and the necessity of asking others for help.

The aim of the study:
was to show an old man in our society in opinions about senility collected from selected social groups.

Material and Methods:
The study was performed Medycyna Środowiskowain 2009 among medical staff members: nurses and physicians employed in the Specialist Hospital in Szczecin- Zdunowo and workers of the building company, CALBUD from Szczecin. This survey-based study was performed using the authors” questionnaire. It involved 100 people, including 35% of CALBUD building workers, 35% of physicians and 30% of nurses.

The majority of building workers (28.57%) claimed that senility is the „golden autumn of life”, while most nurses equated senility with helplessness (33.33%), disability, a lack of self-reliance and depending on others (23.33%). Physicians usually said that senility was the time for rest (34.29%) and helplessness/disability (34.29%). According to the majority of respondents (66.00%) elderly people have movement problems. The opinion prevailing in each of the professional groups was that old people suffered from solitude.

1. There is a significant correlation between one’s occupation and general view of senility. Physical workers more often than medical staff idealized this stage of life. 2. An occupation had an influence on the opinion about depression as a disease occurring in elderly people. Considerably more physical workers, than physicians or nurses, associated this disease with an old age.

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