Healthcare entities and healthcare waste
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Katedra i Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego , II Wydział Lekarski z Oddziałem Anglojęzycznym Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie Kierownik prof. dr hab., dr h. c. mult. P. Książek
Corresponding author
Marzena Furtak-Niczyporuk
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie 20-093 Lublin, ul. Chodźki 1 tel. 81 742 37 55
Med Srod. 2017;20(2):13-21
Healthcare activities involve generating healthcare waste, including hazardous infectious healthcare waste. The danger factor in the context of the waste results directly from the content of pathogens, which is related to the content of organic tissue, biological-infection factors such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and hazardous chemical substances from medications past their expiry date or cytostatic and cytotoxic medicines. For this reason, the management of this type of waste takes on particular importance as far as preventing infections and infectious diseases is concerned.

Material and Methods:
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the healthcare waste management policies pursued by healthcare entities, based on the results of sanitary inspections. The research was carried out by way of examining documents. The research material included the results for 1045 inspections concerning clinical-waste management carried out in healthcare entities in healthcare entities.

Within the entire research material, encompassing 1045 inspections carried out in healthcare entities over five recent years, irregularities were found in 71 of them. These irregularities pertained mainly to transportation and the condition of temporary healthcare waste storage rooms. Therefore, proper healthcare waste management requires that a health monitoring system, operating on an ongoing basis, be provided for healthcare entities at every stage of waste management, which is un-doubtedly a reliable method for increasing the protection of patients and staff.

Compliance with strict hygiene principles is the basis of clinical-waste management in healthcare institutions carried out through ensuring compliance with sanitary and epidemiological procedures and the training of personnel, both medical and technical, which to a large extent prevents infections
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