Level of knowledge the teenagers in secondary schools about addiction, and its prevention
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Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Przedsiębiorczości w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim, Wydział Pedagogiki i Nauk o Zdrowiu, Katedra Pielęgniarstwa, Rektor WSBiP w Ostrowcu Św.: dr hab. n. hum. B. Zboina
Corresponding author
Dorota Maciąg   

Rzepin Drugi 101, 27-225 Pawłów
Med Srod. 2012;15(4):80-89
Narcotics have been present in the world for thousands of years. People have been trying to change their psyche by means of psychoactive drugs. At the very beginning drugs were used as the element of religious cult, helpful in varying social meetings. With time, they wereused as medicinal substances. The phenomenon of narcosis among children and teenagers by means of various narcotics is one of the most serious aspects of social aberration and it is a very difficult educational problem all over the world. Drug abuse among teenagers is becoming more and more serious and is increasing, which puts health andlife in danger. There are as many reasons of drug abuse as narcotics. Young people do not appreciate their health, as in their opinion illnesses are directly related to an old age. They do not understand the consequences of drug abuse which is just a good fun for them. The aim of drug prevention strategy is, first of all, the reduction of drugs availability. The prevention strategies concentrated on costs aim at helping the individuals to develop and keep the healthy way of life. The strategies concentrated on society should include the environmental factors, such as legal, economical, family, cultural, political and religious aspects. The aim of this work was to specify the awareness of secondary school students concerning drug abuse, its reasons, health effects and prevention.

Material and Methods:
The research was conducted among 80 students of 1–3 grade of secondary schools from Opatów province. The questionnaire was the research tool, which consisted of 21 questions concerning the students’ knowledge about the reasons for reaching for drugs, the possibilities of getting drugs at school, the health reasons of drug abuse as well as the drug prevention conducted by the teachers and school educationalists.

Only 25% of the students believed drug abuse to be a socially pathological phenomenon. 65% claimed that lately the increase of drug abuse could have been observed. As the reason for this, 33% give stress and 48% – the peer pressure. 45% of those questioned admitted they had already tried drugs, and 50% claimed that drugs are easily available at school. For 52% taking drugs occasionally is by no means an addiction; still according to 87% drug abuse requires medical treatment. Only 23% of the young believed that the actions undertaken by the institution concerning drug prevention are effective. 68% of the questioned stressed a huge role of parents in drug prevention.

The results of the research prove the need of conducting a wide prevention campaign at schools. The aim of undertaken actions should be healthy life promotion, delaying the age of sexual initiation, as well as limiting the availability of drugs. It is important to increase the abilities allowing the young people to cope with difficult stressful situations. Teachers, apart from parents, backed up by psychologists and educationalists should carry out the above mentioned campaigns. As far as the places of the campaigns are concerned, these should be schools and other places where the young spend their free time.
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