Preliminary trial to ascertain the feeling of uncertainty of young women in Poland and Czech Republic in the context of their intention to have a child
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Institute of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, Sosnowiec, Poland Head of Institute.: P.Z. Brewczyński, M.D, Ph.D.
Institute of Health Care Studies of Tomas Bata University, Zlin, Czech Republic Head of Institute.: M. Cicha, M.S, Ph.D
Institute of Nursing, State Higher School of Applied Sciences, Nysa, Poland Head of Institute.: prof. A. Brodziak, M.D. Ph.D.
Corresponding author
Andrzej Brodziak   

Institute of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health in Sosnowiec, Poland Phone number 48 774355951
Med Srod. 2014;17(1):60-68
The aim of the study was to evaluate the frequency and severity of a sense of uncertainty concerning important determinants of human existence in selected groups of young women in Poland and the Czech Republic, when they found themselves to be at the right age to have children.

Material and Methods:
Data were obtained based on a self developed questionnaire. The study involved 42 nursing students in the second year of studies in Poland and 51 nursing students in the Czech Republic. The average age in these two groups was 21.7 and 22.8 years respectively The results were analyzed statistically using the chi-square test.

Polish young women in comparison to Czech women are more often afraid of considerable nuisance problems with future work, unsatisfactory relationships with future partners, and a sense of forthcoming impending dangers.

The results suggest considerable uncertainty with regard to important spheres of human existence among young people. In the light of similar observations made by authors from countries of different economic standard, the insecurity is only one affecting factor among others. The results indicate the advisability of undertaking research on different approved models of the family.
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