Alcohol consumption among students at Silesian universities
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Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Polska
Corresponding author
Bożena Ahnert
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Ostrogórska, 41-200, Sosnowiec, Polska
Med Srod. 2020;23(1-4):26-32
Introduction and objective:
Increased alcohol consumption is a global problem, especially among teenagers. The aim of the study was recognition and presentation of preferences concerning the consumption of various types of alcohol by students. For this purpose, a questionnaire was constructed regarding the quantity, quality, frequency and circumstances of alcohol consumption.
Material and methods:
The study was carried out in a group of 196 students from two Silesian universities. The respondents’ mean age was 21 years. The questionnaire contained 26 items related to alcohol consumption.
Almost the entire study group (98%) declared alcohol consumption. Beer was the most often consumed alcohol. Females consumed a relatively smaller amount of beer (1
bottle), compared to males (3–4 bottles). The reasons for alcohol consumption were the desire to relax and to maintain social contacts. Approximately 83% of the respondents
experienced negative effects of alcohol consumption. A significant percentage of students do so in a way that may cause harm to health. Young people start drinking alcohol at an increasingly earlier age, most often in primary school. Thus, almost the entire population of students in the study consume alcohol. The conducted analyzes showed no statistically significant differences between males and females.
Beer was the most often consumed alcohol (75% of the respondents), followed by vodka. A large amount of vodka (over 400 ml) was consumed by 34% of the surveyed
males and 14% of the surveyed females at a single time. Females equally as often as males consumed high proof alcohol. Alcohol was consumed mainly for relaxation. The differences between genders in the amount of alcohol consumed are blurred. The popularity of alcohol use by students is associated with the fact that some of them already used alcohol during adolescence.
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