Ozone concentration attributable premature death in Poland
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Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego – Państwowy Zakład Higieny Zakład Higieny Komunalnej (kierownik dr Bożena Krogulska)
Med Srod. 2010;13(1):30-40
Ozone in the lower part of the atmosphere (troposphere), strong photochemical oxidant, is not directly emitted to the atmosphere but formed through a series of complex reactions. Ozone concentrations depends on ozone precursors air contamination (mainly nitrogen dioxide and non-methane volatile organic compounds) and meteorological conditions (temperature and solar radiation). The main sectors emitted ozone precursors are road transport, power and heat generation plants, household (heating), industry, and petrol storage and distribution. Ozone and some of its precursors are also transported long distances in the atmosphere and are therefore considered a transboundary problem. As a result, the ozone concentrations are often low in busy urban areas and higher in suburban and rural areas. Nowadays, instead of particulate matter, ozone is one of the most widespread global air pollution problems. In and around urban areas, relatively large gradients of ozone can be observed. Because of its high reactivity in elevated concentrations ozone causes serious health problems and damage to ecosystems, agricultural crops and materials. Main ill-health endpoints as a results of ozone concentrations can be characterised as an effect of pulmonary and cardiovascular system, time morbidity and mortality series, development of atherosclerosis and asthma and finally reduction in life expectancy. The associations with increased daily mortality due to ozone concentrations are confirmed by many researches and epidemiological studies. Estimation of the level selected ill-health endpoints (mortality in total and due to cardiovascular and respiratory causes) as a result of the short-term ozone exposure in Poland was the main aim of the project. Final results have been done based on estimation method elaborated by WHO, ozone measurements from National Air Quality Monitoring System and statistical information such as mortality rate and populations. All analysis have been done in ozone air quality zones. The adverse health effect associated with the ozone concentration is observed in every regions in Poland, very often during holiday time when high level episodes are occurred.
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