Sylwetka pacjenta ze stabilną chorobą wieńcową – analiza zachowań zdrowotnych w porównaniu do osób zdrowych
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Department of Nursing, Institute of Health Sciences, State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów, Poland Director of Institute of Health Science: M. Pociecha
Corresponding author
Małgorzata Kołpa
Institute of Health Sciences State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów ul. A. Mickiewicza 8, 33-100 Tarnów, Poland
Med Srod. 2018;21(1):35-43
The primary concern of the study was to compare pro-health behaviors in participants with stable coronary artery disease (SCAD), also known as stable ischemic heart disease (SIHD), and in healthy controls in order to improve the effectiveness of preventive measures in that group of patients.
Material and Methods:
The study comprised a total of 394 participants aged 18 to 88 years (mean age 49.5±14.9 yrs), including 294 patients of the Cardiology Outpatient Clinic who were treated due to SCAD and 100 healthy controls. All participants were asked to complete the Health Behavior Inventory (HBI) by Juczyński. Moreover,
the measurements of their body weight, height and waist and hip circumference were taken, and their BMI and
WHR values were calculated. Finally, the risk for developing metabolic complications was assessed.
Healthy body weight was discovered in 32.6% (n=96) of cardiology patients and in 45.0% of controls. Abdominal obesity was more often found in cardiology patients (55.0%) than in controls (49.0%). Increased risk for obesity complications was disclosed in 60.2% of SCAD patients and in 37.0% of controls. Cardiology patients maintained health-related attitudes to a greater extent than controls on each subscale (p<0.05).
Secondary prevention of coronary artery disease (CAD) should include both maximization of effective treatments and constant support of and encouragement for patients to reduce CAD risk factors and develop and implement pro-health behaviors.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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