Trends in body weight for 7-year boys from different environmental sites of copper mining region
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Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu, Katedra Biostruktury Kierownik Katedry: Prof. zw. dr hab. Z. Ignasiak
Corresponding author
Paweł Posłuszny   

Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu Al. J.I. Paderewskiego 35, 51-612 Wrocław, Katedra Biostruktury tel: 71 347 33 61
Med Srod. 2011;14(4):49-57
The epidemic of the XXI century – a disease that threatens through development of other ailments, caused by pathological accumulation of adipose tissue in the body, beyond the physiological needs and adaptability – the obesity. A significant number of diseases are largely a consequence of obesity, and despite the fact that it mainly occurs in adults, that problem may start influencing our health from an early age. In childhood and adolescence the most common form is simple obesity, and frequency of occurrenceshows significant growing trend, regardless of gender. The prevalence of obesity in early stages of life is associated with a significant probability of a continuation of or increase in adulthood, therefore one should look for the onset of obesity in childhood. The results of studies and projections show steady growth in the number of overweight and obese in populations of developing countries and developed economies, including Poland. Therefore it is important to continuously monitor body weight and degree of fatness of children and adolescents.

Material and Methods:
The study was conducted in 2001 and 2002 in six rural primary schools from the Copper Mining Region and in all three primary schools rom Polkowice. More measurements were made in 2008 and 2010. The total number of 7-year old boys was 277. The measurements covered Body height, Body weight, Lean Body Mass, Total Body Water and Total Body Fat. These data were collected with the use of anthropometer, body scale and FUTREX 5000, the optical body composition analyzer. Measurements were necessary to get the BMI.

Based on analysis, it was observed that the height and weight of 7-year-old boys from the Copper Mining Region has increased compared to the first series of tests. The BMI and amount of body fat have also increased. This situation was observed both in rural and urban environment. There was a difference in body fat percentage. Lower values were observed in boys from Polkowice. Their peers living in rural areas had higher values of body fat percentage. This shows the favorable composition of body components in subjects from the urban environment.

There are differences in body composition proportions in boys from rural compared to urban areas. The boys from Polkowice show better body composition than their peers from rural areas.
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