The assessment of neonates’ exposure to traumatic factors in the cardiac ward within the first 24 hours of hospitalization
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Jagiellonian University, Collegium Medicum Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing and Midwifery Institute, Department of Clinical Nursing, Krakow, Poland
Clinic of Pediatric Cardiology UCH, Kracow, Poland Head of the Department: prof. Maria Kózk Director: dr hab. A. Gniadek
Corresponding author
Grażyna Cepuch   

Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu CM UJ Instytut Pielęgniarstwa i Położnictwa ul. Kopernika 25 30-501 Kraków tel: 600 132 585
Med Srod. 2016;19(1):17-24
During the first 24 hours of hospitalization, neonates with ductus-dependent CHD are exposed to a number of traumatic impulses arising from the need for necessary care and therapeutic procedures.

Material and Methods:
The studied group consisted of neonates in a stable condition, suffering from ductusdependent CHD, monitored from the first to the fifth day of their life. The research involved the observation of 10 patients of the cardiac ward at the University Children’s Hospital. The research was carried out by means of the following methods: observation with available assessment tools, such as author’s questionnaire, CRIES scale, sound level meter and stopper.

The total number of all procedures performed on the group of 10 neonates amounted to 622 per day. The average number of invasive procedures per day performed on one patient was 6.6, while the procedures connected with touching averaged at 57.3. The average daily noise level amounted to 72.2 dB; the total daily time of exposure to artificial light averaged at 87 minutes, with the average duration of a single lighting episode lasting ,14.6 minutes. The average pain level of a neonate connected with chosen invasive procedures fell between 5 and 7 points in the CRIES scale.

The impact of traumatic factors disrupts the process of adaptation, may adversely influence further development of central nervous system, perception and sense organs and disturbs psychological development
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