The impact of particulate matter (PM) and nitric oxides (NOx) on human health
and an analysis of selected sources accounting for their emission in Poland
Department of Hygiene, Wrocław Medical University – Poland
Head of the Faculty and Department Hygiene - prof. K. Pawlas, PhD
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wrocław University of Technology – Poland Head of the Department of Off-Road Machines and Vehicles Engineering - prof. P. Dudziński, Eng., PhD
Autor do korespondencji
Jakub Krzeszowiak
Department of Hygiene Wrocław Medical University ul. Mikulicza Radeckiego 7
50-435 Wrocław
Introduction and objective: This paper is concerned with the harmful impact of nitric oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) on humans. The objective was to determine which source of emission is the most urgent in terms of its reduction.Abbreviated description of the state of knowledge: In published epidemiological studies multiple notifications indicating the harmful impact of particulate matter on human health can be found. The harmful impact is underscored by the increase in the number of hospitalisations owing to diseases of respiratory and cardio-vascular systems, as well as by the rise in general fatality rate. The analysis of the PM impact on the human body is prompted by the fact that its detrimental effects are not clearly defined. Additionally, nitric oxides contribute to the increased number of exacerbations of respiratory
disease and are a factor increasing susceptibility to development of local inflammation.
Conclusions: The following study is meant to showthat the air pollution which derives from vehicles (NOxand PM) has a significant impact on human health. Thisapplies particularly to residents of cities and big towns.This issue has gained special importance in Poland. Accordingto the data from the Central Statistical Office,the increasing number of vehicles in use and their agelead to increased emission of the pollutants considered_
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