The influence of cadmium exposure on excretion of pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline in urine
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Department of Chemical Hazards and Genetic Toxicology, Institute of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, Head of the Department: assoc. prof. A. Sobczak PhD, Head of the Institute: P.Z. Brewczyński MD, PhD
Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy with Division of Medical Analytics, Medical University of Silesia, Head of the Department: assoc. prof. A. Sobczak PhD, Dean: S. Boryczka PhD
Corresponding author
Adam Prokopowicz   

PhD Phone: +48 32 634 11 95
Med Srod. 2012;15(4):17-23
Osteoporosis is a growing health concern across the world. Some epidemiological data suggest that cadmium increases risk for development of osteoporosis and lead to higher rate of fracture incidents even on low environmental exposure level.

Material and Methods:
Cadmium in urine and bone resorption markers – total fraction of the urinary pyridynoline (Pyr) and deoxypyridinoline (DPyr) – were determined in 36 patients, who were examined for toxic effects of cadmium exposure. Additionally calcium in urine was determined. Associations between cadmium exposure and factors related to bone metabolism were estimated and Pyr and DPyr excretion were compared in three groups categorized across cadmium concentrations.

Results: In the investigated group there were significant positive correlations between cadmium levels in urine and Pyr and DPyr excretion. None of the other variables correlated significantly with examined bone resorption markers excluding calcium excretion in urine. Excretion of Pyr and DPyr differed significantly between group with the lowest cadmium concentration (<1.2 μg/g creatinine) and group with the highest cadmium concentration (>1.9 μg/g creatinine), where median values of Pyr and DPyr increased by 49.8% and 37.5%, respectively.

The results suggest that cadmium increases bone resorption processes and induce osteotoxic effects in environmental exposure level.
This work were founded by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education as statute’s subject done by Department of Chemical Hazards and Genetic Toxicology in Institute of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health.
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