Urodzenia i umieralność dzieci romskich w regionie Presova
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The Pediatric Clinic of J. A. Reiman University Hospital and Policlinic, Prešov, Slovakia, head: MUDr. Jan Koval’, PhD.
Faculty of Health Care, University of Prešov, Prešov, Slovakia, Dean: Prof. PhDr. Anna Eliašova, PhD.
Corresponding author
Ján Koval   

Klinika pediatrie, Fakultná nemocnica J. A. Reimana Hollého 14, 08001 Prešov, Slovakia Tel. +421 052 701 2558
Med Srod. 2012;15(2)
Due to the lack of exact data on natality and infant mortality rates of the Roma living in Slovakia we aim to look closer into these parameters, analyze them and in this respect compare two ethnic groups: Roma and non-Roma Slovak children.

Material and Methods:
In the time period from 1997 to 2011, we collected data in selected parameters (birth rate, infant mortality rate, the number of newborns with low birth weight, the number of children abandoned by their mothers after birth) in the Prešov region, and we evaluated them.

A declining natality rate was observed in non-Roma children, as opposed to an upward trend in Roma children. In 1997, every fourth child was born to a Roma woman; in 2011, it was every third child. A declining infant mortality rate was observed in all groups studied. In the Roma children, the decline in the infant mortality rate was the biggest, yet the mere infant mortality rate, in this group of children, was the highest – in 1997 and in 2011 approximately 3-times higher than in the children born to non-Roma mothers.

In our study, the infant mortality rate of Roma children is on decline, yet still it is high when compared to the non-Roma population. This may be caused by low interest of the Roma in providing health care to their children and their low responsibility or their inability to take responsibility for health and health care education of their children.
Legend: IM – infant mortality LBW – low birth weight CDDs – congenital developmental defects RCH – Roma children Non-RCH – non-Roma children SR – Slovak Republic EÚ – European Union
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