Weather conditions and deaths of residents in the rural area of Jasienica Rosielna, Podkarpackie Province, southern Poland
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Zakład Hydrologii, Instytut Geografii i Gospodarki Przestrzennej, Uniwersytet Jagielloński Kierownik: prof. dr hab. J. Pociask-Karteczka Dyrektor: dr hab. M. Drewnik
Corresponding author
Anna Wolanin   

Zakład Hydrologii, Instytut Geografii i Gospodarki Przestrzennej UJ ul. Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Kraków tel. 693 657 534
Med Srod. 2013;16(1):28-34
Weather conditions continuously influence humans and may provoke symptoms of some diseases or even death. Numerous studies have been performed investigating a link between weather conditions and human health in urban areas. The effects is, however, poorly identified for rural areas.

This study aimed to define a relationship between the mortality rate of Jasienica Rosielna community and the type of air masses, atmospheric fronts and air temperature. The community is located in the southeast part of Poland and is known for excellent aero-sanitary conditions.

Material and Methods:
The study was based on daily records of the number of deaths and selected meteorological conditions including air temperature, air masses and atmospheric fronts in the period of 2000–2007. Seasonality coefficient was used to investigate the seasonal variability of death. Conditional probability was used to estimate any relationship between mortality rates and the weather.

Results and conclusions:
A relationship was found to exist and to be strongly seasonal. The number of deaths increases at low air temperatures. Also cold fronts and the arctic masses of air make mortality in Jasienica Rosielna to increase.
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