The effect of cigarette smoking on health risks for city residents caused by environmental inhalation exposure to heavy metals (As, Cd, Ni)
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Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego, Katedra Ochrony Środowiska, Zakład Analityki Stosowanej i Chemii Środowiska Kierownik Zakładu Analityki Stosowanej i Chemii Środowiska: dr hab. R. Świetlik, prof. UTH Kierownik Katedry Ochrony Środowiska: dr hab. R. Świetlik, prof. UTH
Corresponding author
Marzena Trojanowska   

dr inż. Marzena Trojanowska Katedra Ochrony Środowiska Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego ul. B. Chrobrego 27, 26-600 Radom
Med Srod. 2016;19(3):23-30
Heavy metal contamination of urban air has a negative effect on residents’ health. Cigarette smokers are subjected to additional inhalation exposure caused by heavy metals present in tobacco. The aim of this study was the assessment of the impact of smoking on the health risk for residents of Polish cities, combined with environmental inhalation exposure to heavy metals.

Material and Methods:
The health risk for smokers was analyzed. The risk assessment methods used have been recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Hazard index and cancer risk values for the assumed scenario of Cd, Ni and As inhalation hazard for smokers are from several to about fifty times higher than the values determined for nonsmokers.

Hazard index obtained for the smoker shows a high probability of chronic health effects, and the estimated cancer risk is at an unacceptable leve
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Appendix A: Hot Spots Unit Risk and Cancer Potency Values
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