Effect of pop culture on shaping choleric temperament on example of psychoactive substances
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Katedra Historii Medycyny Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Polska
Koło Naukowe Humanistyki Medycznej Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Polska
Med Srod. 2022;25(3-4):54-58
Since antiquity many attempts have been undertaken to classify the system of human behaviours, feeling emotions and perception of the world into certain strictly defined types. Classically, four versions of temperaments were distinguished to systematise the disposition of the majority of people. According to the contemporary knowledge, this division was closely related to human physiology and balance between
the main fluids in the body. The choleric temperament characterized by hyperactivity and impetuousness under the right conditions could lead to acts of aggression. Currently, it is believed that individuals cannot be precisely assigned to exactly one type of temperament, tending to the claim that a given individual partially presents the traits of each of the aforementioned types. This article focuses on the analysis
of factors that can enhance the characteristics of a choleric person in those who are usually not characterized by this type of disposition. The impact of various subcultures and psychoactive substances promoted by these subcultures on the psyche of people under their influence is discussed. Effects of being in the state of intoxication may temporarily trigger some specific traits of character, even though the individual had never presented them previously. It is vital to concentrate on the fact that modifications in the central nervous system which take place during prolonged usage of drugs may preserve such a mental state. These changes may become irreversible.
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