Impact of individual predispositions and workplace conditions on addictedness
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Zakład Czynników Społecznych i Metodologii, Instytut Medycyny Pracy i Zdrowia Środowiskowego
p.o. Kierownika Zakładu: mgr Karina Erenkfeit
Corresponding author
Karina Erenkfeit
Instytut Medycyny Pracy i Zdrowia Środowiskowego Zakład Czynników Społecznych i Metodologii
ul. Kościelna 13
41-200 Sosnowiec
Med Srod. 2010;13(4):50-56
The World tempts with quick pleasure, easy overcoming pain and stress easily. Although, at once people are threaten by addictedness of some substances and activities which are meant to help to gain goals. The aim of our research is to check if there is a relationship
between workplace conditions, social relations, individual features and tendency to take up behaviours leading to addiction. If there is such relationship which features there are to describe it.
Material and Methods:
The surveys were conducted by using a set of questionnaires: socio-demographic variables, Self-estimation Questionnaire, Receiving Social Support Scale, Employees’Relations Scale, Behaviour Questionnaire and Organizational Climate Questionnaire.
The mental toughness is adversely related to tendency to workaholism and shopaholism and positively related to Internet addiction. Observed, experienced and performed mobbing correlates positively with behavioural addictedness (shopping, work, Internet). However, mobbing victims can have problem with alcohol dependence. Organizational climate and received social support are not connected with addicting behaviours.
Some particular psychical features can increase tendency to take up addicting behaviours. Acute stress in workplace increases the risk of addiction but organizational climate and social support are not connected with this risk.
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