The selected aspects of sociological and demographic characteristic of pneumoconiosis patients. Introductory results of a sociological survey
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Instytut Medycyny Pracy i Zdrowia Środowiskowego w Sosnowcu, Dyrektor: dr n. med. Piotr Z. Brewczyński Zakład Czynników Społecznych. P.o. kierownika: mgr K. Erenkfeit
Instytut Medycyny Pracy i Zdrowia Środowiskowego w Sosnowcu, Dyrektor: dr n. med. Piotr Z. Brewczyński Zakład Zdrowia Środowiskowego i Epidemiologii. Kierownik: dr hab. n. med. R. Złotkowska
Instytut Medycyny Pracy i Zdrowia Środowiskowego w Sosnowcu, Dyrektor: dr n. med. Piotr Z. Brewczyński Oddział Chorób Zawodowych, Wewnętrznych i Alergologii. Ordynator: lek. A. Hom
Corresponding author
Karina Erenkfeit   

Instytut Medycyny Pracy i Zdrowia Środowiskowego, Kościelna 13 41-200 Sosnowiec
Med Srod. 2010;13(1):86-91
The aim of the study is a sociological description of people suffering from a pneumoconiosis. A sociological pilot survey performed on a group of patients with confirmed pneumoconiosis was conducted

Material and Methods:
The study was carried out by means of questionnaire in 133 patients. Following features were taken into consideration: age, sex, educational background, profession, type of activity, personal assessment of legislative acts, changes of professional ability after having been diagnosed as having pneumoconiosis, attitude towards offered aid to patients and preferred methods of support.

The population of people suffering from pneumoconiosis consists of mainly middle-aged and elderly men (98%). Most of them are pensioners (93%). Diagnosis of pneumoconiosis usually involves the patients going into retirement or a disability pension. Thepatients complain that they cannot count on government’s support. Rehabilitation and financial help are the major expected forms of support.

People suffering from pneumoconiosis should be provided with rehabilitation and legal advices according to the advanced age and health condition. The results of research showed a lack of help in mentioned above issues, which should be a clue recommendation form institutions in charge of helping people suffering from occupational disease.
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