Introduction and objective:
Nowadays, the use of electronic devices has become an integral part of daily life. The consequence of this is both a prolonged state of constant alertness due to emerging notifications and exposure to blue light emitted by phones, tablets and laptops. The purpose of this study is to present recent scientific reports on sleep disorders among young children, adolescents and young adults exposed to prolonged exposure to blue light.

Brief description of the state of knowledge:
A prolonged state of constant alertness can lead to many health consequences. These include mental disorders, such as chronic sleep deprivation, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety disorders, and depression, as well as somatic disorders, mainly disruption of circadian rhythms, which can result in cardiovascular disease, metabolic diseases, including insulin resistance. Exposure to blue light among users of electronic devices is also an important problem, which is a proven factor affecting the quality of sleep and rest.

Attention should be paid to the problem of increased exposure to blue light in young people and consequences this may cause for their development and functioning in the future. Instruments are needed to help reduce the scale of the potential consequences of this exposure. As the phenomenon of excessive use of blue light-emitting devices is increasing year after year, it is important to educate parents about the consequences of their children's excessive use of electronic devices.
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