Particulate pollution of PM10 and PM2.5 due to strong anthropopressure in Sosnowiec city
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Zakład Szkodliwości Biologicznych i Immunoalergologii, Instytut Medycyny Pracy i Zdrowia Środowiskowego Kierownik Zakładu, Dyrektor Instytutu: dr n. med. P.Z. Brewczyński
Corresponding author
Jolanta Cembrzyńska   

Instytut Medycyny Pracy i Zdrowia Środowiskowego ul. Kościelna 13, 41-200 Sosnowiec
Med Srod. 2012;15(4):31-38
Introduction: Air contamination with particulate matter causes a serious problem in large cities and urban-industrial agglomerations both in Poland and Europe. Anthropogenic sources of air pollution in urban areas are emissions from municipal, industrial and transportation sector. Many epidemiological studies have revealed that exposure to air pollution, especially the fine particles with aerodynamic diameter less than 2,5 micrometer, can pose a threat to human health exposed to exceedingly high concentrations of particulate matter.

Material and Methods:
The aim of this study was to evaluate PM10 and PM2,5 mass concentrations in autumn and winter season in the city of Sosnowiec, in relation to ambient air quality standards in Poland and the European Union.

The average concentrations of PM10 and PM2,5 in autumn-winter seasons in Sosnowiec city 2010–2011 were 2,1 to 2,7 times higher than limit values, specified in the legislation acts.
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