The feature which characterizes Wroclaw city is the lack of heavy industry. The main sources of air pollutants are road transport, low emission from households and power plant. Road transport is particularly burdensome for residents of Wroclaw, as evidenced by the speed of passing traffic through the city amounting to 36 km/h, which leads to a significant concentration of the particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) along the main thoroughfares of the city. Air pollution from households is particularly noticeable within the densely populated downtown area where a significant part of flats is not connected to district heating. Emission from heat and power plant in Wroclaw city also contribute significantly to the level of PM10 especially during the heating season.
The paper presents a summary of the number of days when PM10 concentration is exceeded. At the same time discussion took place on the potential impact of these air pollutants on human health.
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