The application of physical techniques to determine the type of man-made mineral fibers used as thermal insulation
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Zakład Szkodliwości Biologicznych i Immunoalergologii, Instytut Medycyny Pracy i Zdrowia Środowiskowego w Sosnowcu Kierownik Zakładu: dr P.Z. Brewczyński, Dyrektor jednostki: mgr K. Kuźniewski
Corresponding author
Gabriela Sąkol   

Instytut Medycyny Pracy i Zdrowia Środowiskowego ul. Kościelna 13, 41-200 Sosnowiec
Med Srod. 2016;19(3):47-57
Asbestos and artificial mineral (ceramic, glass and rock) fibers are used as thermal insulating materials; both are agents harmful to human health. The current exposure limit values for respirable ceramic fibers are twice sharper than for glass- and rock fibers. Fibrous materials used for a long time at elevated temperatures wear out and require replacement. The aim of the study was to establish physical characteristics enabling identification of the types of thermally destroyed man-made mineral fibers. No such data are available in the literature.

Material and Methods:
Bulk samples of thermal insulating fibrous material were investigated in this study. One sample was unknown. Microscopic determination of artificial mineral fibers was performed by assessment of a number of physical properties, such as crystallinity and refractive index. Crystallinity of fibrous materials was estimated using an X-ray diffractometer. Morphological and optical observations were achieved with a phase contrast and a polarized light microscope. The refractive index of fibers was assessed by observing relief and Becke line. It was evaluated by using immersion liquids controlled with an Abbe refractometer.

Compared to new man-made mineral fibers, those which had been used at high temperature for long time performance changed color and gloss, and their refractive indices were increased. So was their fragility.

Optical properties alone may not be sufficient to distinguish between non-crystalline glass or ceramic man-made fibers. Identification requires significant operator training and experience
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