Cadmium and zinc concentrations in the hair after of adults magnesium supplementation
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Pomorska Akademia Medyczna Zakład Medycyny Rodzinnej p.o. kierownik: dr n. med. A. Sałacka
Pomorska Akademia Medyczna Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego kierownik: dr hab. n. med. B. Karakiewicz prof. PAM
Med Srod. 2010;13(1):60-64
Cadmium is a biological zinc antagonist and may interfere with metabolic zinc-regulated or zincdependent processes. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between cadmium and zinc concentrations in the hair of adults after oral supplementation with magnesium.

Material and Methods:
The levels of elements in the hair were determined by the inverse voltammetry. Them analysis was performed on the hair of 32 people from the study group and 10 from the control group. Supplementation was performed using Slow-Mag B6.

Cadmium concentration in the study group before supplementation ranged from indeterminable levels, to 1,92 μg per gram of dry matter. The range ofmcadmium concentration after supplementation was between the indeterminable level, and 0,45 μg per gram of dry matter. Based on the statistical analysis, we found that cadmium concentration was significantly lower after magnesium supplementation with a significance level of p*0,02. Zinc level before supplementation was between 11,66 and 250,48 μg per gram of dry matter, and after supplementation between 68,31 and 185,24 μg per gram of dry matter.

The results obtained suggest that supplementation with magnesium contributed to the lowering of cadmium concentration in the hair of the people examined.
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