Can burnout manifest itself in college? A study of Polish medical students’ population
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Studenckie Koło Naukowe Zdrowia Środowiskowego i Epidemiologii. Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu, Wydział Lekarski
Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu, Katedra i Zakład Higieny Kierownik katedry: prof. dr hab. K. Pawlas
Corresponding author
Krystyna Pawlas
Katedra i Zakład Higieny ul. Mikulicza-Radeckiego 7 50-368 Wrocław
Med Srod. 2017;20(2):22-31
Introduction. Introduced by Herbet J. Freunderberg, the term „burnout“ is used to describe a state of exhaustion experienced by an individual as a result of negative factors associated with work. People who do professions related to satisfying human needs are particularly exposed to burnout. With no doubt, doctors belong to this group and burnout is a serious problem among them. The aim of our study was to answer the question whether it is possible to notice symptoms similar to burnout among medical students during their studies.

Material and Methods:
Using an Internet questionnaire designed by the authors, 2388 responses were received from medicine students from almost all Faculties of Medicine in Poland, with the largest percentage coming from Wroclaw Medical University.

Symptoms related to burnout were reported by an alarmingly high percentage of students, with an increased frequency of occurrence culminating in the 4th year of studies. Opinions of most of the students about the studies of their choice deteriorated after entering the university. They are dissatisfied about the way of teaching, and they are concerned about their future occupation. A high percentage of the students are considering going abroad after graduating. When asked whether they would choose the same field of study if they had the opportunity to decide once again, almost 1/3 of them replied in the negative.

The disturbing symptoms presented by the students require a deeper analysis and introduction of burnout prevention among this population.
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